Logo Uni Mainz

Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene
University Medical Center
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

Hochhaus am Augustusplatz
Obere Zahlbacherstr. 67
D - 55131 Mainz

Lab Website:


Research Interests:

Our general research interest is to better understand host-pathogen interactions and characterize molecular mechanisms that activate and regulate infection-induced immune responses. More specifically, we are focused on discovering novel ways to modulate these immune responses, also with the aim to translate basic research findings into clinical applications, such as vaccination and immunotherapy. In ongoing studies we concentrate on the following research topics:

  • The effects of microbial metabolites on T cell differentiation and function in models of inflammatory diseases, infection, and cancer
  • Characterization of metabolic pathways from immune cells as potential therapeutic targets for the modulation of autoimmune diseases and inflammation
  • Identification of novel molecular targets of small molecular compounds in T and dendritic cells metabolism pathways associated with cell differentiation and function

To address our research interests, our experimental strategies include the use of genetically modified mouse lineages in in vivo and in vitro models of inflammatory and infectious diseases, various immunological, biochemical and molecular approaches, metabolism analysis, gene expression and next generation sequencing, and microscopy techniques.