Logo TUM und MIH

Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene,
Technical University Munich

Trogerstr. 30
81675 München

Lab Website:


Research Interests:

Our lab studies the transcriptional regulation of human T cell identities. We aim to identify transcriptional regulators and their downstream targets controlling specific T cell effector functions. The ultimate goal is to apply this knowledge to engineer human T cells for therapeutic approaches for autoimmunity or cancer.

Our current research focuses on

  • Plasticity and stability of human regulatory T cells
  • Comparison of gene regulatory networks in human effector and regulatory T cells

We apply CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing in primary human T cells to answer these questions. Using Cas9 ribonucleoproteins we can quickly generate gene knock-outs as well as knock-ins and quickly dissect gene function with pooled and arrayed screens. CRISPR-modified T cells are characterized by a variety of techniques including FACS, ELISA or RNA-seq.